Business English Abbreviations

a/c - account
attn. - (for the) attention (of)
B/E - bill of exchange
B/L - bill of lading
CC - carbon copy
CF. - compare (Latin: confer)
CFR. - cost and freight
CIF - cost, insurance, freight
CIP - carriage and insurance paid to
C/N - credit note
C/O - care of
COD - cash on delivery
Corp. - Corporation
CPT - carriage paid to
CWO - cash with order
D/A - documents against acceptance
DDP - delivery duty paid
DDU - delivery duty unpaid
DES - delivered ex ship
DN - debit note
D/P - documents against payment
enc(s) - enclosure(s)
EXW - ex works
FOB - free on board
FOR - free on rail
Inc - Incorporated (US)
L/C - letter of credit
Ltd - limited
P&P - postage and packing
p.p. - on behalf of
PTO - please turn over
RE - with reference to, regarding
RRP - recommended retail price
SAE - stamped addresses envelope
VAT - Value Added Tax
ZIP (code) - zone of improved delivery (US)


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